Siding Installation
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Siding Installation
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Vinyl Siding Installation Cost
By ProMatcher Staff
Vinyl Siding Installation Cost
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There are several factors that will significantly increase or decrease the cost of installing vinyl siding. Fortunately, we’ve already done the hard part for you! Use the guide to below to find out everything you need to know about the cost of installation and all the right questions to ask your siding contractor.
Standard Installation Includes:
- Standard grade siding material (thickness of .04" to .044")
- Basic corner trim, channels, and other fastening pieces.
- Removal and disposal of the existing siding.
- Removal and re-installation of existing shutters after siding installation.
14 Reasons You’ll Pay More:
1. If you install premium grade siding (.046" and above).
2. If you install premium grade
insulated siding
3. If you have a two story home (requires ladders and scaffolding).
4. If you have a garage (requires additional materials).
5. If repairs need to be made to the exterior walls prior to installation.
6. Wrapping the entire house with insulation prior to installing siding.
7. If installation occurs during the peak season when contractors are busiest (spring or summer).
8. If new shutters are ordered and installed.
9. If window and door trim and frames need to be wrapped.
10. When eave boards need to be covered or wrapped.
11. When fascia and soffit need to be replaced.
12. If extra large panels are used to reduce the number of visible seams.
13. If the house is architecturally complex or has odd-shaped windows.
14. When vents and gable louvers needed to be installed or replaced.
4 Ways You'll Pay Less:
1. If you install economy grade siding (less than 0.04” thick).
2. If it is possible to install the new siding over the existing siding.
3. If you hire an installer during off peak seasons (late fall or early winter).
4. If you pay a little more for insulated siding, you can save on future energy bills.
10 Things to Ask Your Contractor:
Get Matched to Siding Contractors
1. Ask the contractor how long he expects the installation to take.
2. See what type of siding the contractor recommends.
3. Ask the contractor about his experience with vinyl siding.
4. Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured.
5. Ask if the product or workmanship comes with a warranty.
6. Ensure cleanup included in the quote.
7. Ask the contractor if he will return to your house to make repairs after the initial installation.
8. See if the new siding can be installed over the existing siding.
9. Make sure that permit inspection fees (if required) are included in the cost estimate.
10. Ask for references or pictures of previous work.
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About the Author
ProMatcher Staff
, ProMatcher
Orlando, FL 32803
If you would like to re-print this article, please contact the author.
Free Quotes from Vinyl Siding Installers
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Cost of Vinyl Siding Installation per square foot (mid-grade siding)
Average Cost
High $4.60
Low $3.18
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Cost of Vinyl Siding Installation per 100 square feet (mid-grade siding)
Average Cost
High $461.67
Low $287
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