What type of stucco is the most durable? | Traditional stucco (3 coat system) | 40% | Synthetic acrylic stucco (3 coat system) | 13% | EFIS (3 layer system) | 13% | Not sure | 33% | | | Question: What type of stucco is the most durable? Top Answer (40% of 15 votes): Traditional stucco (3 coat system).
Answer: Traditional stucco (3 coat system) Explanation: Conventional hard coat stucco is the most durable. | AA Stucco and Painting | Answer: Synthetic acrylic stucco (3 coat system) Explanation: Athough eifs provides a seamless waterproof exterior it often comes with problems due to climate. | Tjm company llc | Answer: Traditional stucco (3 coat system) Explanation: hard stucco mortar and mason sand | espinoza stucco & brick llc | | ProMatcher | Answer: Traditional stucco (3 coat system) Explanation: EiFS and synthetic stucco are 1 in the same Traditional stucco is a lot more durable It's a cement based system Synthetic stucco is a synthetic base coat finish and foam system | A1 exterior wall creations |